Hi, I’m Oscar Guarnizo, a young computer scientist from Ecuador. My research expertise relies on computer vision and deep learning. I have already worked on projects related to convolutional neural networks (CNN) for classification, segmentation, license plate recognition, and generative adversarial networks. However, I am currently turning towards Reinforcement Learning (RL) research, a mature technology with a solid contextualization and mathematical formulation.
I cofounded DeepARC Research Group to deal with practical and fundamental artificial intelligence issues, supervised by Eugenio Morocho. In addition, I currently hold a Junior Research Fellow position at Scientific Computing Group advised by Israel Pineda. My research interest relies on fundamental and practical Reinforcement Learning to reduce the gap between conceptual and real-world applications.
In March 2021, I worked as a research intern for six months at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, where I developed research in Generative Adversarial Networks, particularly StyleGAN. I was fortunate to be advised by Peter Wonka. From July 2020 to March 2021, I worked as a Machine Learning engineer at Digevo, Santiago de Chile, Chile. In March 2020, I received my B.Sc. in Information Technology focus on Computer Science from Yachay Tech University.
During my undergraduate, I researched different areas of knowledge. First, I worked in algebraic geometry when I implemented Wu’s algorithm. After that, I developed an automatic survey generator system based on fundamental statistical methods. Lastly, I performed a project to find equidistant real roots using neural networks.
I enjoy spending my free time exploring technological news and investment opportunities. I am an enthusiastic investor. My hobbies are playing video games and watching movies.
Feel free to contact me at oscar.guarnizo9619@gmail.com or oscar.guarnizo@yachaytech.edu.ec